The Portfolio View
The Portfolio View shows your company's overall progress. In particular it shows how your Segments are moving through your Stages. When a Segment is listed below a Stage, that means it is classified as Executing within that Stage.
- You can see here that Cameroon, Brazil, and Madagascar are all part of the "Discovery Markets" Stage
When you choose a specific Segment, it will show you the Plays being run on that Segment and the Segment's Stage KPIs. Stage KPIs are goals that Segment should hit before moving on to the next Stage.
- You can see here that the KPI for this "Discovery Market" Stage is based on the percentage of Plays completed. The Target for the Stage and for Cameroon is to complete 80% of the Plays. Currently only 50% of the Plays have been executed for Cameroon
- It is important to note that the Segments will not move to the next Stage automatically. Therefore, if you believe Cameroon is already ready for the next Stage, you could just move it over!
As always, you can use the Filter Bar on the Left to see only the Plays that apply to a specific Teammate, Function, Segment, Status, or Stage!